What is the Cost of Living in St. Louis, Missouri?

The cost of living in St. Louis, Missouri is 6% lower than the national average. Learn more about the real costs of living in this area with Salary.com's annual survey data.

What is the Cost of Living in St. Louis, Missouri?

The cost of living in St. Louis, Missouri, is 6% lower than the national average. This means that the cost of living in this area is relatively affordable compared to other places in the United States. However, the cost of living can vary depending on factors such as your career and lifestyle.

The world's largest salary database, Salary.com, provides annual survey data from publishers in the human resources industry. This data can help you get an idea of the real costs of living in different states and cities. It can also help you compare salaries and understand the current labor market. Members of Salary.com receive 10 free city profile downloads per month, unlimited access to their cost-of-living calculator and detailed analysis, unlimited access to their DataEngine, and much more.

With this information, you can make an informed decision about where to live and work.